May 2024’s Virtual Football Coaching Certification an Incredible Success for STS Soldier Coaches.

More than 140 current and prospective Soldier Coaches took part in the Soldiers To Sidelines Virtual Football Coaching Certification Seminar 20 – 23 May 2024. STS football director Jerod Kruse noted, ‘STS attracted presenters from the highest levels of football, with eight current or former NFL coaches and seven current or former college coaches (with five of the presenters being military veterans) adding their wisdom to the event.’

On the first day, Soldier Coach Curt Kline shared an inspiring story about his journey from becoming a certified Soldier Coach to earning a coaching internship with the Georgetown University football team. After Coach Kline’s inspiration, the class learned about the power of inspiration and motivation to create a long-lasting impact on those we coach. Coach Kruse concluded the evening by explaining the theoretical components of football schematics.

On day two, Jason Houghtaling, assistant offensive line coach for the Chicago Bears, talked about pass-pro and rush concepts. Eric Sanders, Eastern Washington University’s defensive coordinator, discussed running games and fits. Day three brought an energizing conversation with Harrison Bernstein about the role of CARE in effective coaching. Coach Jerod Kruse talked about tackling, and John Mumford from HigherEchelon delivered an eye-opening tutorial on Go Army Edge, a free playbook creation app that brings football drawings to 3D animation.

Day three kicked off with an opportunity for the class to ‘Ask the Coach’ any question about football coaching and military service with NFL Denver Broncos Special Teams Coordinator Ben Kotwica. Coach Kotwica played football at West Point, served eight years in the U.S. Army, and then began his coaching career at West Point Prep. Next, the class attended breakout rooms by position. Coaches Josh Buford (Kansas State University), Bob Wylie (Cleveland Browns), Breylon Roberts (Bucknell University), Derrick Foster (New Orleans Saints), and Andrew Workman (West Virginia State University) covered principles and techniques for offensive positions. Later, Mo Banks (Gettysburg College), Anthony Goliver (UCLA), and Blake Williams (a former NFL coach) led breakout rooms featuring defensive positions.

Participants were quick to share their impressions of the virtual seminar. “It was really impressive to see the turnout of over 130 coaches and the way they interacted with each other and the presenters over the four-day event,” said one Soldier Coach. Another said, “This being my first experience with the football seminar from start to finish, I continued to be moved by the attention to detail of STS and the quality of curriculum that is provided.”

We’re taking to heart the high praise and one suggestion made by Phyllis Tompkins: “Your organization supports veterans by offering them opportunities to become coaches, which I find incredibly impactful. It offers valuable resources and training for veterans transitioning into civilian life, addressing a critical need. By promoting community engagement and mentorship through coaching, Soldiers to Sidelines positively affects veterans and local youth. However, the organization could benefit from increased awareness and resources to maximize its impact.”

Thanks to all involved, the event ran very smoothly from start to finish.